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   NovTek New Technologies LLC offers a wide range of services for the maintenance and repair of well-logging hoists for various purposes.
Service maintenance is a set of measures aimed at preventing premature wear of parts by timely carrying out adjustment work, lubricating them, identifying emerging defects and eliminating them.
Service maintenance is performed by a specialized team using modern diagnostic equipment and the latest techniques.
   In the process of carrying out repair work, as agreed with the customer, the lift is being modernized by replacing obsolete equipment with modern equipment with improved technical characteristics. The body is being replaced, the lifting unit is overhauled, the control panel, the electrical part is being repaired, and the necessary equipment is being restored. During the repair process, the loaded elements of metal structures are examined by non-destructive testing methods.
  Based on the results of acceptance tests, the customer is issued an Industrial Safety Expertise Conclusion, which gives the right to operate geophysical equipment for three years after the end of the established service life.
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