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NovTek New Technologies LLC has been developing and manufacturing mobile equipment for geophysical and oil and gas services for 15 years. We manufacture logging lifts for various purposes, laboratories, mobile stations of a wide range of operations with the main units and elements of our own production, as well as using components from leading world and domestic companies.



NovTek new technologies LLC offers a wide range of services for the maintenance and repair of logging hoists for various purposes.
In the process of carrying out repair work, as agreed with the customer, the lift is being modernized by replacing obsolete equipment with modern equipment with improved technical characteristics.

© 2020

Tel. +7 (347) 222-45-11

ООО «НовТек Новые Технологии»

450520, Уфимский район, село Нижегородка, ул. Чапаева, 37/1

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